
Duplicate Salesforce instances were generating inefficiencies and driving higher than expected administrative costs. These inefficiencies were creating significant pain points and usage friction which was hindering leadership decision making and making it harder to tell the full story of the organization.


We built out the following:

  • A centralized Salesforce instance to track data from six departments and multiple locations
  • A consolidated and universal intake process across the different programs
  • Attendance tracking for Adult Education and for Organizing events
  • Campaigns tracking related to events, workshops, organizing/legislative/advocacy work
  • Integrations with tools that allowed email marketing, form submissions, donations, files, and text messaging to seamlessly push/pull data to/from Salesforce
  • Referrals tracking for internal and external referrals
  • System to track participants’ journey and engagement with the organization and different programs
  • System to track memberships, leadership engagements, equipment tracking, orders/disbursements, appointments/referrals, and other operational work
  • Upgrade to lightning user interface, customized apps, and home pages for each of the department.


MRNY was able to consolidate processes into a single system, moving off of multiple spreadsheets, separate documents, and 2 Salesforce instances. Staff can now see a 360 degree view of each participants’ engagement with MRNY programs and departments. A platform that was flexible and allowed MRNY to add functionality in phases over time, collecting user feedback and incorporating the feedback into the product in real-time. Salesforce usage has also increased, along with better and more complete data entry.


“We tried and failed to overhaul our Salesforce ecosystem with multiple vendors before we finally found Idlewild. They helped us succeed after most staff had lost hope.”

Ben Wolcott

Manager of Evaluation and Research

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